
Showing posts from March, 2010

Buyer Beware - Week 6

Week 6 Buyer Beware Dear Myron & Sally: Companies market their products to you every day. To develop power over purchase, you must first understand the various marketing methods businesses use. Class Notes Phrases like "90 days same as cash" and "no interest until 2010" are meant to lure you into debt. Fall for these tricks, and you could end up paying substantial “stupid tax,” otherwise known as mistakes with zeros on the end. And remember, for major purchases (larger than $300), always wait 24 hours before buying. If you are married, always communicate with your spouse. Helpful Tools The MRC offers plenty of useful resources this week. Find out how to sign up for the national do not call registry. Learn how to avoid “stupid tax.” Listen to Buyer Beware Testimonies, and check out the free one-hour podcast of The Dave Ramsey Show. Homework Reminder Complete your second financial snapshot, either online or in your workbook Memorize the five keys to gaining power

Credit Sharks In Suits - Week 5

Week 5 Credit Sharks In Suits Dear Myron & Sally: Creditors keep calling? Wondering what the deal is with the FICO score? Hopefully, you didn’t miss out on this week’s FPU class. Dave discussed how to understand your credit score and keep vicious creditors from having too much influence in your life. Class Notes Never place creditors’ demands over your family’s basic needs. Take care of the Four Walls—food, shelter, clothing, and transportation—before you pay anything. Never attempt to dodge a bill, but make sure you prioritize your family over a barking creditor. A FICO score is an “I love debt” score—simply measuring how well you manage your debt. It is not a measure of your financial success. Don’t worship at the altar of the “Great FICO.” Helpful Tools We offer plenty of tools this week to help you identify any credit issues you may have. In the Member Resource Center, you’ll find information about obtaining your annual credit report, checking for inaccuracies, and securing ide

Dumping Debt (wk4)

Week 4 Dumping Debt Dear Myron & Sally: After this week’s lesson, are you ready to get gazelle intense? If you don’t have your starter emergency fund of $1,000 in place, then sell some stuff and keep saving as much money as possible. Then chase away the cheetah by attacking your debts, one at a time, with Dave’s debt snowball. Class Notes Debt has only become accepted as normal in America over the last 20 years. To eliminate debt, you must remember that it’s 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior. You always spend more with plastic. Cash hurts! Commit to never using credit cards again—the first and most important step to dumping debt. Helpful Tools It’s easy to share your testimony with others! Invite friends or family to come with you to the next class so they can discover the blessings of FPU. Spread the word! Homework Reminders Log in to the MRC to create your debt snowball and see when you’ll be debt free. Fill out your credit card history form to keep track of your accounts and w

Financial Peace

Our church here in Google Kansas will be in week four of a 13 week class. Surf on over and enjoy the video.


3/9/2010 7:50:13 AM CHANGING SOCIAL STUDIES: What is going on in our schools? When I grew up in Bruce SD, my grade school teacher was Mrs. Bombeck. We learned the basics – readin’ – ‘riting – ‘rithmetic – (My spell checker is going berserk) J I learned about George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson – you know, the founding fathers. I even learned how to invert the divisor and multiply using a chalkboard, just like my hero Glenn Beck. We didn’t have any calculators or computers back then. We had to think. Now I hear on the news that the liberals want to remove some of these conservative personalities from the school textbooks. UFF-DA !! Everything I learned was from Mrs. Bombeck. If only our generation could duplicate her for today’s children. And Glenn Beck. Myron Holter GOOGLE KS

Muslim vs. Christian faith

DEar followers of this post. I received an email from an email friend here in Topeka KS regarding my latest post. I have taken the liberty to copy his email to this latest post called Muslim faith. Feel free to join us on the Internet. Here's my friend's email post: Myron, You are correct about the Muslim faith being anti-Christ. The Moslem has no problem accepting Jesus as an exceptional prophet and they accept the virgin birth and even allude to the immaculate conception of Our Lady Mary. Yet they emphatically deny the deity of Our Lord. We Catholics characterize Islam as a heresy formed from Mohammed's study of Judaism and Catholicism. I intend to eventually put together a blog about this. Now about your claim that the Catholic Church persecuted the Protestants in Spain in the inquisition. You are of course the victim of anti-Catholic revisionists. First notice the name did you ever notice that people call it the "SPANISH" Inquisition? Think! Could